Use Our Badge & Share in our Success

We’re so glad that you’re part of our Simply Wed Team!  As wedding professionals ourselves we understand how important it is to work together.  As Simply-Wed grows and gains a great reputation as the place to find your wedding suppliers, it makes sense to tell the world (and your future clients) that you’re part of the  Simply Wed team!

Simply Wed is known for showcasing the very best wedding providers in France and adding our badge shows that you’re a proud member!

You may use the badges anywhere you like.  Obviously your website is a great idea, perhaps on your homepage or perhaps as a footer in your emails or in  any forums you are part of, if they allow HTML signatures. 

The badges are designed to fit in all these situation and there are a range of styles to fit light and dark backgrounds. 

How To Use Our Badges

  • Simply copy the HTML code of the badge you want to use.
  • Paste the code into the source code of your website (if you have a webmaster, mail the snippet to them). Or into the template for your mails. Or into your signature of a forum.
  • That’s it — super easy!

You can resize the badge to fit your space but to help, we’ve formatted all of the badges to appear as a standard size.  The badge here is an example of how it will appear on your site.

Recommended Supplier Options

Simply Wed - Professional Wedding Suppliers in France
Simply Wed - Professional Wedding Suppliers in France
Simply Wed - Professional Wedding Suppliers in France
Simply Wed - Professional Wedding Suppliers in France
Simply Wed - Professional Wedding Suppliers in France
Simply Wed - Professional Wedding Suppliers in France

As Featured in Simply Wed Options

If you’ve been featured in one of our blogs or real life wedding features, or if we’d shared your news on social media, why not spread the word with one of these great options!

Simply Wed - Professional Wedding Suppliers in France
Simply Wed - Professional Wedding Suppliers in France
Simply Wed - Professional Wedding Suppliers in France
Simply Wed - Professional Wedding Suppliers in France
Simply Wed - Professional Wedding Suppliers in France
Simply Wed - Professional Wedding Suppliers in France

Transparent Badges for Dark Backgrounds

If your website has a darker background then choose one of these badges – their transparent background works perfectly on any darker background colours!

Simply Wed - Professional Wedding Suppliers in France
Simply Wed - Professional Wedding Suppliers in France
Simply Wed - Professional Wedding Suppliers in France
Simply Wed - Professional Wedding Suppliers in France
Simply Wed - Professional Wedding Suppliers in France
Simply Wed - Professional Wedding Suppliers in France